It's not a great advertisement for Thailand as a tourist
destination, but then again no movie set there ever is.
Remember The Beach?
dir: Kurtis Davis Harder
With a title like Influencer, it’s not unreasonable having some expectations going in to this experience.
All I initially heard was, there’s a film coming out soon called Influencer, and it’s a horror flick. And I was like “Great! Fucking love the idea”, and I made sure that the second it was available on streaming service Shudder, that I would watch the fuck out of it and review it.
And now I have done so. Perhaps I was a little bit over-amped for it.
Perhaps, like with a lot of horror flicks, the mere thought I had that this would be a hard take on the newly discovered species known as the “influencer”, Latin name narcissus maximus, which would, I dunno, get revenge on them by either showing how awful they are and then maybe torturing them? It’s a horrible place to be coming from, I have to admit.
I don’t think (I hope) that I actually wish harm on anyone, no matter how awful they are, because that goes against my beliefs as a Buddhist, but the whole glory of fiction and movies is that maybe there’s some transgression, some schadenfreude that we can be allowed to experience without anyone actually getting hurt.
The film opens with an Insta influencer called, of course, Madison (Emily Tennant), going through the motions at a Thai resort. She’s American, and takes the right photos, uses the right products, says all the right things, but whenever she’s not taking a tortured selfie or taking snaps of food she doesn’t want to eat, she looks sad.
Fuck you for trying to make me feel sorry for some vacuous influencer. Madison is alone, and sad. The resort looks pretty much abandoned. They don’t make a big deal out of it, but I’m pretty sure this was probably filmed in the covid / shutdown era, hence the many scenes of the vacant resort.
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