V/H/S Beyond

Beyond entertainment, beyond attention harvesting...
dirs: Jay Cheel, Jordan Downey, Virat Pal, Justin Martinez, Justin & Christian Long, Kate Siegel and probably a few other people from a bus that was just passing through the neighbourhood…
The latest in a long line of V/H/S horrorish anthologies, this is this year’s instalment, I guess. Let’s hope it’s an annual thing.
There is a whole lot of fuckery going on here. Some good, some not so good, but that is the nature of anthologies. If what you’re watching isn’t thrilling you, wait a few minutes, and something else will be playing soon. You’d think this would be the way to capture the attention of people with short attention spans, but let’s be honest none of “the youth” are watching a “movie” or this “movie”: they’d rather be watching 30 two minute vids in a row on Youtube instead.
So, these are presumably made for old horror heads like me. I greeted the new instalment in this series, after having really enjoyed the most recent one V/H/S 1985 with interest, as that one struck me as a strong uptick in quality (compared to earlier instalments).
When you get your hopes up, you’re inevitably setting yourself up for a fall. The moral of the story is, you’re a fool for getting your hopes up, so never get your hopes up, ever. You’re climbing a tree of anticipation and then sawing off branches you settled upon, because the universe remains supremely indifferent to your hopes and dreams.
The tack they took here was about having something more of a sci-fi focus, as in, the boogieman / thing that kills a bunch of people in almost every instance is an alien of some description, or a robot, or both. Not everything is as cut and dried as having a Big Bad that eats people’s faces that happens to be from elsewhere in the cosmos: but in practice it doesn’t amount to that much of a difference.
If something is chomping on your brains, I guess it doesn’t matter much if it’s a dinosaur, an armadillo, a cyborg, a zombie or a grey skinned alien, the end result is pretty much the same.
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